Sunday 26 July 2020

The forgotten blog!



I wrote this blog this time last month when it was so hot and we were melting, then we needed to light the fire a few days later!! Luckily we were moored by a little thicket which offered a wonderfully shady area for the kids to play in. They made a den, while I hooked the Wi-Fi in a tree and joined the weekly Zoom knit & natter.

 We understand the Lathom Fishes were carved out of stone excavated from beside Moss Bridge, 35 on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal as a millennium project. The kids really loved playing on and around them.

A family of 4 ducklings ran to us be fed several times each day. They loved the seed from the bird feeder and came right up to us.

It was lovely to sit out in the evening watching the bats.

We had a super day at Crosby Beach for our son-in-law Dale's 30th birthday. His parents and their dog were up from the south.

Edmund drove up from London and it was so good to see him.

None of the other’s had seen the Anthony Gormley figures before, 100 life-size statues of the sculptor in the nude!!! The ones lower on the beach that are often covered by sea are covered in barnacles.

Everyone collected sea glass & we had lots. The children had fun washing it all & sorting it out.

The wind was blowing at >40mph and we all felt we’d been sand blasted!!

We had a dress rehearsal for Jubilee Fibres, which saw us welcome several customers to our outside shop. It is still tricky to plan when to open. 

Our friends moored behind us and I got to have a little play with her tiny electric spinning wheel.

Now skip on 4 weeks……
And here are few more pictures of what we’ve been up to, but we’ve not travelled very far. Plus now it’s the summer hols we are having such fun with the grandchildren.

Lilly came to visit
Our first pints

Sampler blanket warp

Cygnets can reach in the hatch

our cygnets have grown

Mooring at Sollom
Wine making

Jam tarts soon

Pottery with aunty Ada, beer cans for rolling pins!

Sollom sunset

CRT lads dismantling old Tarleton sea lock gates
At Lathom Fishes

Train to Wigan
Magnus shifting rocks

The finished scarf
Nikita's first woven scarf

Knitting and sewing morning